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From Boston but about Philly
Certain people make fun of me saying "Philly", but honestly everyone there calls it that, it's almost rude to say Philadelphia, like using a child's full name when they are in trouble. And I'm not angry at Philly, where, wonderfully enough, Me and You just won Best First Movie at The Philadelphia International Film Festival. Hooray for this city and it's people and judges!
I'll tell you what I do almost every night: I introduce the movie and then I go wander around the town for about an hour and 20 minutes, just long enough to feel incredibly alone in the world. Then I creep back in the theater and stand in the darkness, waiting to do the Q+A. I try to come in early enough to gauge the vibe of the audience, so I know how much leeway I have with these people. This was the vibe in Philly:
Ritz East, Theater 1
There is a kind of mind-shredding quality to perpetual travel, I don't know how all these businessmen do it. Also it is a little nerve-wracking inching towards the release of the movie and not knowing what will happen. I tried to express this feeling artistically, in my hotel room, with iMovie:
I may make my next movie entirely with still photos and the title tool.
In the airport there was a guy selling magic tricks and I videoed him because magic is one of my interests. I'm not sure if he was an actual magician in the true, middle-earth, sense of the word. But there was a boy watching him with me and he turned out to have powers:
Posted by Miranda July on April 20, 2005 | Permalink